dr maja krzic

Dr. Maja Krzic

Maja is a Professor of Soil Science with a joint appointment in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems and Faculty of Forestry at UBC. Her current research focuses on development of soil quality indicators for assessing management impacts on grassland soils, forest soil response to severe mechanical disturbance, and soil compaction susceptibility. In her work, Maja integrates research, teaching, and community education through application of information technology. For her innovative efforts in teaching Maja received the UBC Killam Teaching Award and Teaching Award of Merit from North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA).

For more information please visit Maja’s web page.

Dr Sue Grayston

Dr. Sue Grayston

Dr. Sue Grayston is a Professor in the Department of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Forestry at UBC, and holds a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in soil microbial ecology. Sue was born in Yorkshire, England and obtained her BSc and PhD in microbiology from the University of Sheffield in the UK, was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Saskatchewan, a research fellow with MicroBio Rhizogen Corp., an Agricutural Biotech Company, at the NRCs Plant Biotechnology Institute in Saskatoon, then was a principal scientist at the Scottish Governments Macaulay Land Use Research Institute in Aberdeen for 10 years prior to moving to UBC in 2003. Sues’ research focuses on the application of novel molecular and stable isotope probing methods to characterize soil microbial diversity and function in forests on projects related to sustainable forest management, climate change and land reclamation.

For more information please visit Sue’s web page.

jason barker

Dr. Jason Barker

Dr. Jason Barker is an ecosystem ecologist, with eclectic academic background, ranging from a B.A. in Asian Studies (Towson University) to a Ph.D. in Forest Sciences (UBC). His research focuses on the role that microbes, especially fungi, have in influencing biochemical cycles and ecosystem recovery after disturbances (wildfire e.g.). His larger research interests are in biogeochemistry, untangling the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and synthesis. When not trying to unravel the complexities of ecosystems at work, he enjoys experiencing the mysteries of nature firsthand.

Chris Crowley

Chris Crowley (MET)

Chris is an Instructional Designer/Project Manager for UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology. He is involved in the design, development and delivery of online courses and learning resources in a number of subject areas including Soil Science. At UBC, he has produced and directed award-winning media productions for online learning resources and courses. Chris has a background in agricultural science, film and television studies and educational technology. In his spare time, usually he can be found playing or coaching soccer.


Saeed Dyanatkar

Saeed is a media producer at UBC’s Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology with a diverse background in engineering, photography, video production and information technology. Saeed is the founder of Neev Media and the New Windows Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting media literacy in Canada, and the associate publisher of The Source/La Source newspaper. He also serves as the Chair of the Multicultural Advisory Committee at the City of Vancouver.

Trevor van Hemert

Trevor van Hemert

Trevor fell into the Soil Web world during his time maintaining the Faculty of Land & Food Systems website. He now operates Fernwood Web Design and a bicycle-based composting company in Victoria.

Kate del Bel

Kate del Bel

Kate is Research Assistant / Lab Manager in the Belowground Ecosystem Group at UBC. Kate’s research focuses on the structure and function of microbial communities. She primarily works with molecular techniques to examine changes in microbial diversity pre- and post variable retention harvesting. Kate also trains students and maintains lab equipment and protocols. Kate loves to spend time outdoors and is usually hiking, kayaking, skiing or snowshoeing. She also enjoys participating in cycling classes, reading and baking.

Carolyn Churchland

Carolyn Churchland

Carolyn is a PhD student in the Faculty of Forestry at UBC. She obtained her BScH from Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, where she studied Biology with a focus on terrestrial ecology. There she had the opportunity to travel to the Northwest Territories to study the effects of C and N addition on soil microbial populations, which inspired her to continue her studies in soil microbiology. Carolyn’s PhD project focuses on assessment of the ability of live trees to maintain the soil microbial community in harvested forested sites subjected to different methods of variable-retention harvesting and the microbial groups supported by labile compounds from tree roots. On evenings and weekend you can normally find Carolyn playing netball, ultimate, dodgeball or on her balcony garden. She also loves running away to Bowen Island to kayak and pick chanterelles.

Nora Berg

Nora Berg

Nora is a Research Assistant in the Belowground Ecosystem Group at UBC. Currently she is working on the Green Tree Project identifying microarthropods – specifically mites. Nora is presently updating the project website for the Green tree retention soil fauna digital library. Nora also enjoys songwriting, music production, digital photography, graphic and web design.